Lena Baumgartner
1050 Vienna

good reads

Pedro Neves Marques: Parallel Futures: One or Many Dystopias?

David Madden: Housing and the Crisis of Social Reproduction

Washington Post: Racial profiling, by a computer? Police facial-ID tech raises civil rights concerns.

2023–2024 Research Curator
Survival in the 21st Century at Deichtorhallen Hamburg↠

2022–2023 Research Curator
RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm at Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Sammlung Falckenberg, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark and Neue Galerie Graz↠

2021 Production for Numen / For Use
Tube Bratislava, Old Market Hall↠

2020–2021  Graphic Design and Online Content Management
OstLicht. Galerie für Fotografie and WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie↠

2020 Intern at Nicolaus Schafhausen
Curatorial Assistant, Research and Editing, Creation and Implementation of an Online Archive↠

2019 Intern at Gabriele Senn Gallery
Exhibition Organisation, Graphic Design and Print Management, Social Media, Press and Public Relations↠

2019 „Desaster des Archivs oder Arbeit am Verschwinden“/ “Disaster of the Archive or Work on Disappearance” by AGFU (Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen)↠

2019 International Summer Academy for Visual Arts Salzburg: Curating contemporary art against the backdrop of a local context with Nicolaus Schafhausen and Juliane Bischoff↠

2019 Typography Summer School
with Fraser Muggeridge, APFEL, Catherine Dixon, Europa, Frith Kerr, OK-RM and David Pearson↠

since 2018 Freelance Graphic Designer↷

Flyer Cover

2017-2018 Graphic Designer for Enrico Bravi
Focus on Artist and Art Publications, Typesetting, Communications, Picture Selection and Arrangement↷

BostonConsulting & Belvedere Art Award 2017 BostonConsulting & Belvedere Art Award 2017

2018 Bachelor of Arts
Graphic and Information Design↷

bachelor work notation and the voice